
Competencies Services

Test before invest

1. Support the design, development and validation of new products and services

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2. Promote the dissemination and adoption of solutions on AI or HPC

Training and capacity building

3. Promote the qualification of human resources from companies, PA and R&D entities

Fundraising and support to startups

4. Support the establoshment of new comapnies to develop or explore solutions based on AI or HPC and the search for financing

Networking and intermediation, Cross-cutting activities

5. Promote and develop innovation ecosystems leveraging AI or HPC-based solutions

Learn how ATTRACT technologies can support your business

  • What is this service?
    • Find out more about the latest scientific advances and market trends regarding the application of a technology to your sector;
    • An expert partner will assess the state of the art of the respective technology and advise the client via a written document;
    • Customised assessment to integrate AI and HPC into your business;
    • Identification of opportunities and technical feasibility by a specialised technical team.
  • What is this service for? And what impact can it have on this specific business?
    • New lines of product development that allow the customer to obtain a competitive advantage by adopting these technologies;
    • Specific guidelines to maximise the potential of these technologies, while complying with the company’s objectives.
  • What is this service?
    • We’ll study your dataset for correlations, anomalies, clumps, or other patterns. If there is predictive potential in your data, we will find it!
  • What is this service for?
    • Depending on the context, data anomalies may indicate failures or fraudulent behaviour. Clusters of customers may reflect consumption profiles to which you can adjust your supply. Overall, the existence of patterns in your data gives you the
      confidence to move on to a more ambitious data analysis and modelling project or service. Conversely, a low potential in the data may point to insufficient data sources or gaps in the collection or integration processes;
    • Identification of patterns and trends in data to support decision-making;
    • Detection of operational improvements and opportunities for innovation.
  • What impact can it have on this specific business?
    • Facilitates strategic decisions based on data;
    • Improves operational efficiency and processes;
    • Drives innovation and competitive advantage;
    • Empowers the company to act proactively based on insights.
  • What is this service?
    • Tell us about an AI app you’d like to develop in your company or define it – in liaison with ATTRACT partners. We will analyse the requirements to develop this application, present a cost-benefit analysis, and finally an opinion on the feasibility of the project, so you can move forward. In case of a negative opinion, concrete recommendations for improvement will be made.
  • What is this service for? And what impact can it have on this specific business?
    • This service allows you to know beforehand if the AI project you have in mind is viable in your organisation – with low risk guaranteed, thanks to the discount promoted by ATTRACT. Before allocating resources, you will know if you are ready to move forward; if not, we’ll provide what set of concrete actions you should take tomove towards the desired direction.
  • What is this service?
    • We will analyse whether the software for your AI flow can fully exploit advanced computing capabilities. More specifically: whether you will have better or faster results by running the software in question on a supercomputer.
  • What is this service for? And what impact can it have on this specific business?
    • Get concrete guaranties from ATTRACT experts on whether a particular software is compatible with HPC. In the favourable case, you will have greater confidence to move forward with an HPC project. In the unfavourable case, you will have grounds to seek and invest in alternative software.
  • What is this service?
    • We will analyse whether the software for your AI flow can fully exploit advanced computing capabilities. More specifically: whether you will have better or faster results by running the software in question on a supercomputer.
  • What is this service for? And what impact can it have on this specific business?
    • Get concrete guaranties from ATTRACT experts on whether a particular software is compatible with HPC. In the favourable case, you will have greater confidence to move forward with an HPC project. In the unfavourable case, you will have grounds to seek and invest in alternative software.
  • What is this service?
    • We will analyse whether the software can fully exploit advanced computing capabilities. More specifically: whether you will have better or faster results by running the software in question on a supercomputer.
  • What is this service for? And what impact can it have on this specific business?
    • Get concrete guaranties from ATTRACT experts on whether a particular software is compatible with HPC. In the favourable case, you will have greater confidence to move forward with an HPC project. In the unfavourable case, you will have grounds to seek and invest in alternative software.
  • What is this service?
    • Introduce us to the computer limitations of your company or tell us about the main problems they face, so that ATTRACT partners can identify opportunities to use advanced computing. We will analyse the hardware and software requirements,
      present a cost-benefit analysis of the different relevant HPC options, and finally an opinion on the feasibility of the project, so you can move forward. In case of a negative opinion, concrete recommendations for improvement will be made.
  • What is this service for? And what impact can it have on this specific business?
    • Access to supercomputers opens the opportunity to use various techniques on a larger scale than is usually available to companies, giving it a competitive advantage. These include: simulation of your processes in a huge variety of hypothetical scenarios, process optimisation, data analysis and AI model training.

Use AI and HPC with ATTRACT's support

  • What is this service?
    • Data has many shapes and forms. They come from various sources and are collected by fallible processes. In this service, we will integrate data from various sources into a database with the most appropriate format. In addition, we will clean and pre-process the data so that they can be used without any constrains while training other models.
  • What is this service for? And what impact can it have on this specific business?
    • Normally, each process in your company does not correspond to a single data source. Data integration is a key step to effectively model processes and work towards optimising them.
    • The expression "garbage in, garbage out" has been repeated since the dawn of computing. As sophisticated as AI algorithms are today, their good performance depends on the quality of the data. In the presence of irregular or missing values due to input errors, the models will try to learn these irregularities as patterns, being effectively confused, which leads to bad performance.
  • What is this service?
    • This service starts from a set of prepared data, and a task for the AI model – previously defined in liaison with ATTRACT. We will select said data and transform it into relevant inputs. Then, we will select the most appropriate algorithm to model the problem, train the model and evaluate it according to metrics that make sense for your business.
  • What is this service for? And what impact can it have on this specific business?
    • AI models can perform multiple tasks, but here are some relevant examples:
      • Time series forecast, e.g., next-month occupancy or sales
      • Detection of objects/artefacts in pictures, e.g., defects in a certain manufactured part
      • Classification of the content of a text, e.g., what is the cause of a maintenance report
      • Recommendation systems
      • Anomaly detection
  • What is this service?
    • ATTRACT will guide the implementation of the model on the most appropriate platform for production (cloud, server, edge device). If relevant, we’ll provide support to the integration of the AI model, so that it is accessible through existing software.
  • What is this service for? And what impact can it have on this specific business?
    • The production environment always brings new challenges that do not exist in the development phases, such as availability, safety, cost of execution and ease of use. A production process that takes these requirements into account is vital to ensure that the technology is adopted and does not end up as a prototype “on the shelf”.
  • What is this service?
    • If you already have an AI model in production, this service is for you. Get to know the current performance of your model and monitor data drift phenomena. Implement a one-off or recurring re-workout using new data.
  • What is this service for? And what impact can it have on this specific business?
    • After some time in production, the performance of AI models can degrade. This is due to data drift, i.e., the data universe in which the model is being used has evolved and is now very different from the data sample in which it was trained. Monitorin this evolution allows you to decide, in an informed manner, on the best time to carry out a re-training, considering that this may involve annotation and computation costs.
  • What is this service?
    • When starting from only one set of raw data, you can count on ATTRACT during the stages of data preparation, definition of the task to be modelled using AI, training and evaluation of a model, as well as production. This is a tailor-made service: request ATTRACT’s support as you need it, in each of the stages of the process;
  • Specific services for concrete applications:
    • AI service for environmental data forecasting – forecasting model based on different algorithms using public data from the Portuguese Environment Agency, e.g., data associated with river dynamics. The users interact with a web interface for the creation of their model. The ATTRACT consortium provides training and support in the use of this service, and the creation of value-added products based on the results.
  • What is this service for? And what impact can it have on this specific business?
    • This service acts as a proof of concept for AI as a valuable technology for your company. With ATTRACT, you can develop an minimum viable product (MVP), which will give you the confidence to expand the adoption of AI in your processes, products and services.
    • Specific services for concrete applications:
    • AI service for environmental data forecasting: AI algorithms allow you to explore monitoring data to predict the short-term future, thus assisting resource management.
  • What is this service?
    • ATTRACT will support the valorisation of your data through one or more techniques that will increase their usefulness for the development of AI applications. These include automatic or semi-automatic annotation, data augmentation, and synthetic data generation.
  • What is this service for? And what impact can it have on this specific business?
    • AI algorithms may need large amounts of data, and in most cases, annotated data. In the real world, the amount of data is not dully annotated.
  • What is this service?
    • With this service, ATTRACT provides you with a framework for creating your own AI flows in the low-code paradigm, i.e., with minimal need to write code. The service includes the necessary support to use the software.
  • What is this service for? And what impact can it have on this specific business?
    • After creating an example of AI flow in liaison with ATTRACT, you will have the autonomy to create new flows. This way, it increases your ability to adapt as new data sources or use cases emerge, since you can create AI data flows intuitively without the need to dedicate highly qualified human resources.
  • What is this service?
    • The fact that AI models are not explicitly programmed does not mean that they are black boxes. There are several complementary methods that allow to extract satisfactory explanations of the decisions of a certain AI model.
  • What is this service for? And what impact can it have on this specific business?
    • There is no transfer of responsibility from the manager to the algorithm. As such, and concerning AI used in internal processes, the manager’s transparency about what information is being used (and how) by models in generating their results is crucial. In customer-oriented processes, the customers themselves may demand to understand why they’re receiving a certain recommendation or rejection of an order made automatically. European regulation regarding AI highlights the topic of the
      interpretability of the models used.
  • What is this service?
    • Development and implementation of advanced information systems to support strategic decision-making in organisations.
    • Integration of AI and HPC technologies for real-time data analysis and provision of relevant information for informed decisions.
    • Specific services for concrete applications:
      • OPENCoastS – real-time forecasting system for coastal and ocean engineering, for the location chosen by the users. It is a very simple system where the users interact with a web portal and choose, step by step, the settings of their systems among the options available. The ATTRACT consortium provides training and support in the use of this service, and the creation of value-added products based on the results.
      • WORSICA – satellite image processing system through a Web interface to determine bodies of water in coastal and inland areas, based on Sentinel satellites. The ATTRACT consortium provides training and support in the use of this service, and the creation of value-added products based on the results.
  • What is this service for? And what impact can it have on this specific business?
    • Facilitates the efficient management of critical data and information to support decision-making processes;
    • Contributes to the identification of patterns and trends through advanced analytics, enabling more informed decision-making;
    • Improves operational and strategic effectiveness, allowing organisations to make the most of available data;
    • Specific services for concrete applications:
      • OPENCoastS: Real-time forecasting of coastal dynamics allows the daily management of these resources (planning of engineering interventions, port management, commercial and recreational navigation, anticipation of contamination events, water quality management for recreational and ecosystem preservation purposes, etc.);

      • WORSICA: Processing satellite images to delimit bodies of water can be used in determining shorelines (and flooding in case of extreme events) and in evaluating the storage status of reservoirs.
  • What is this service?
    • Identification of processes in the design of new products that can benefit from the use of high-performance computing;
    • Identification of production processes that can benefit from the use of high performance computing to identify potential optimisations in the process or product;
    • Digital twins of systems (e.g., molecules, mechanical parts, assembly lines, hospitals) that allow simulating scenarios whose exploitation would otherwise be impossible or cost-prohibitive.
  • What is this service for? And what impact can it have on this specific business?
    • Use simulations to model and test virtual prototypes of products before investing in physical prototypes. This can accelerate the development cycle, reduce costs and minimise design failures;
    • Modelling manufacturing or operational processes can help identify bottlenecks, optimise workflows, and improve operational efficiency;
    • Perform simulations to evaluate the performance of products under different conditions, e.g., climate variations, pressures or loads, allowing to identify weaknesses and optimise performance.
  • What is this service?
    • Training of employees in the efficient use of advanced computing resources;
    • Identification of the need to use shared resources or on-premise infrastructure.
  • What is this service for? And what impact can it have on this specific business?
    • According to specific needs, you can receive recommendations by ATTRACT experts on the most appropriate infrastructure. Don't spend more than you need on maladaptive computing resources, and get the training you need to make the most of the resources that will truly bring value to your business.
  • What is this service?
    • Analysis of the computational workflow and identification of opportunities to use HPC;
    • Identification of alternative software stacks that allow the use of HPC resources.
  • What is this service for? And what impact can it have on this specific business?
    • Optimising the software for HPC can lead to faster runtimes and improved computational efficiency;
    • Identifying and using HPC-optimised software can be crucial to making the most of high-performance computing resources, resulting in significant improvements in computational performance;
    • Exploring software alternatives can be vital to ensuring compatibility and maximising the benefits of high-performance computing in different business contexts.
  • What is this service?
    • Testing of proofs of concept to replace part of the innovation workflow and product design;
    • Exploration of scenarios and simulations to assess the feasibility and benefits of implementing HPC resources in specific processes;
    • Easy experimental access to HPC clusters.
  • What is this service for? And what impact can it have on this specific business?
    • It allows testing the feasibility and effectiveness of applying HPC resources in specific processes before a large-scale implementation;
    • Evaluation of the performance, efficiency and potential benefits that high-performance computing can bring to certain workflows and innovation activities;
    • Facilitates informed decision-making on the adoption of HPC capabilities based on tangible results obtained during proofs of concept.

Learn how you can apply for ATTRACT services

  • What is this service?
    • ATTRACT experts can support your application with a survey of the state of the art of relevant technologies within the sector, to establish the complementarity between AI and HPC technologies and their business context, and to validate the suitability of the technical content of the proposal.
  • What is this service for? And what impact can it have on this specific business?
    • As AI and HPC are flagship technologies in national and European digital transition strategies, it is very encouraging for an application to demonstrate the suitability of these technologies to its economic development proposal.
  • What is this service?
    • Support in gaining access to high-performance computing (HPC) clusters to perform computation-intensive tasks.
  • What is this service for? And what impact can it have on this specific business?
    • Enables companies and researchers to access HPC resources without the need to have their own infrastructure;
    • Facilitates the execution of complex simulations, extensive data modelling and other intensive computing processes;
    • Reduces costs associated with acquiring and maintaining HPC infrastructures, allowing organisations to leverage advanced computing capabilities as needed.

Discover how to turn knowledge into value

  • What is this service?
    • Provide strategic guidance to help companies identify opportunities for innovation using AI and/or HPC;
    • Develop a culture of innovation and implement effective innovation processes associated with AI and/or HPC.
  • What is this service for? And what impact can it have on this specific business?
    • Monitor and analyse emerging trends, disruptive technologies and changes in the market to identify opportunities for innovation;
    • Facilitate strategic partnerships, collaborations or alliances with other companies, R&D institutions or start-ups to drive innovation;
    • Assist in the process of research, development and launch of new products or services, from early design to commercialisation.
  • What is this service?
    • Workshops and training on innovation techniques, creativity management tools, design thinking, among other relevant topics;
    • Implement platforms or systems to gather, evaluate and develop ideas from employees, customers or partners;
    • Define criteria to evaluate and select the best ideas for development, ensuring that they comply with the company's strategy.
  • What is this service for? And what impact can it have on this specific business?
    • Learn how to manage innovation projects, ensuring that they are completed on time, within budget and comply with the defined objectives;
    • Promote an organisational culture that values innovation, encouraging creativity, experimentation and continuous learning;
  • What is this service?
    • Consultancy for Patentability Assessment;
    • Consultancy for “freedom to operate”.
  • What is this service for? And what impact can it have on this specific business?
    • Establish performance indicators and metrics to assess the impact of innovation, measure return on investment;
    • Monitor and analyse emerging trends, disruptive technologies and changes in the market to identify opportunities for innovation and protection through patents.

Assess the digital maturity of your business

  • What is this service?
    • Using the official tool of the European Commission, you can evaluate the digital maturity of your organisation in several dimensions: general; digital business strategy; digital readiness; human-centred digitalisation; data management; automation and AI; green digitalisation.
  • What is this service for? And what impact can it have on this specific business?
    • This free service is the gateway to your collaboration with ATTRACT. The weaker points in the outcome of this assessment will help determine the most effective action plan.
  • What is this service?
    • Benefit from a more comprehensive and tailored assessment of your organisation’s digital maturity. Focus on the priority aspects and, together with ATTRACT experts, define a roadmap that can be explored together with ATTRACT.
  • What is this service for? And what impact can it have on this specific business?
    • This service ensures that you will follow the steps towards greater digital maturity in the right order, and with priorities that make sense for your business.
  • What is this service?
    • If you already have AI in production, this service will evaluate if your processes comply with adequate and responsible AI practices. Particularly concerning explainability, transparency, model governance, security and privacy.
  • What is this service for? And what impact can it have on this specific business?
    • If there are less positive aspects, they can be useful to higher priority improvement actions, possibly within the scope of your collaboration with ATTRACT.

New business models

  • O que é este serviço?
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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